Monday, July 07, 2003

The land of the free and the home of my girlfriend

Just returned from a sojourn at my girlfriend's house in Connecticut. Very swank. Lots of food. I'll miss that. The original plan was for me to stay one night because her sister and brother-in-law were going to stay there over the weekend and there wasn't enough room in the house for all of us. But then they only stayed two hours. Go fig.

Right now I'm in a public computer cluster, and there's a kid at the computer next to me watching something and laughing loudly. Meanwhile, five people are waiting for a free computer. He should really respect other people and restrict his computing to essential business ... like updating one's Blog, for instance.

Still have no food. To the store tomorrow, or else I may have to eat my own hand. Or my roommate's hand. Whatever.


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