Thursday, February 19, 2004

I smell a conspiracy

In order for this to make sense, you'll need to know that both Idiot Boy and my boss are Christians. Devout ones, I think. I know IB is 'cuz he told me. Did I ever tell you that story? For those of you who haven't heard it, it goes like this:

Me (after difficult phone call): Jesus Christ!
IB: Uh, Dave?
Me: Yeah?
IB: I'm a Christian, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't take the Lord's name in vain.
Me: Um, ok. Sorry. (Thinking to self) Hey, IB? I'm a reasonably intelligent guy, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't do stupid shit all the time.

So there's that. And I suspect that the boss is fairly devout, too, because I've seen prayer cards and pictures of various saints and whatnot on his desk (does that make him Catholic? eh, whatever).

Well, IB's idiocy has struck again, this time in a really heinous and time-consuming (for me) way. I'll skip the details, because they're incredibly boring if you don't do my job, but suffice it to say that, because IB erroneously faxed some information to a company, that company is paying for something they shouldn't be paying for. As a result, the effected employee has to pay a bill and then submit that bill for reimbursement to the right company. Needless to say, the employee was none to happy about this, and decided to take out her frustration on me. So I spent the first hour of my day getting yelled at by one person or another, all because IB fucked up. Majorly.

So I tell my supervisor, who is, herself, fed up with IB fucking up all the time. She decides to tell the boss to do something about him, because he's really becoming a menace. Boss calls him into his office, five minutes later, IB's out and back on the phones, looking none the worse for wear.

This is why I think there's a Christian conspiracy in my office. How in the hell can IB get off with just a slap on the wrist after fucking up so many goddam times? I think they used some kind of secret Christian handshake, smoked a couple of cigars, had a good laugh at the thought of me burning in hell for all eternity, and went back to their respective businesses. The only thing that makes me think there might not be a conspiracy is the fact that I was hired permanently, and IB still hasn't been. If that weren't true, I think I might have to quit this job. Or at least get transferred to another department -- one that isn't controlled by Christians, hopefully.

Jesus fucking Christ.

P.S., after IB told me not to "blaspheme", I actually did stop violating the second commandment (I had to look up which commandment that was). However, IB continued to do stupid shit. I feel cheated.


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