Monday, February 16, 2004


Had a loverly V-Day with the lady. Ate some fancy-sounding (though rather plain-looking) food, drank some champagne, etc. Also saw a crazy French animated flick yesterday called "The Triplets of Belleville" (or "Belleville Rendezvous" if you prefer). Man, was it crazy. I won't try to summarize the plot, but it involved the Tour de France, the French Mafia, and a really fat dog, not to mention a copious amount of frog eating. Oh, and swingin' music, which I downloaded when I got home. You should go see it, just so we can talk about it. It has some pretty funny moments. And the dog is hella cute. Oh, and by the way, Katie, remember how I said I thought the movie should've ended? Well, check this out. Booya!

My favorite webcomic, RPG World, is reaching a climax (again)! I'm excited.

Strange thing I've read recently: An opening stage direction from "Death of a Salesman". Willy's entering, and some flute music is playing. "He hears it but is not aware of it." What the hell does that mean? How does an actor convey that?


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