Monday, March 29, 2004

This just in...

Two pieces of news I feel I should mention:

1) This is actually old news, but I forgot to post about it before. IB is no longer at my job. He was "laid off". Apparently, Boss told him that there weren't enough calls coming in to keep him employed here. I think this was a nice way of saying, "You're an idiot, even though you are a fellow Christian." In any case, he's not here no more. Last I heard, he was applying for a job with some auto insurance company. Apparently, he would be a claims adjuster with them (if he was hired). As in, one of those guys who drives around and gives people money. Think about that for a moment -- IB in charge of cutting people checks. I'll have to remember not to get insurance with those guys.

2) New news: I got a call from the Providence Police at 4:30 A.M. this morning telling me they've recovered my car. No word yet on the condition of it, but I'm going to head down to ProPo HQ after work today to check it out. The adjuster who's handling my case said it wouldn't take much for it to be considered a total loss, seeing as how it's old and stuff. Maybe the thieves were good drivers.

And a special shoutout to my lady, who I'm sure is working hard on her thesis at this very moment and wouldn't even be reading this because that would be procrastinating. And you never procrastinate, do you?


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