Friday, October 08, 2004


Normally, I don't talk politics on my blog because that goes against my strict policy of talkin' nonsense. However, I saw something on C-SPAN the other day that is both political and nonsensical, so what's a blogger to do?

Now, lest you think that I'm the kind of guy who sits around and watches C-SPAN in his spare time, I should tell you that the only reason I stopped my channel surfing to watch is because the note on the bottom of the screen said, "Debate over bill to reinstate the military draft". Things that could possibly lead to my being conscripted and sent overseas into "the shit" tend to grab my attention, so I stopped to listen. Most of the debate went like this:

Republican: Why did you guys introduce this bill? You don't support it, we don't support it. Why are you using Congress as a political tool?

Democrat: Well, ain't that the pot calling the kettle black? We know you're gonna reinstate the draft after the election -- Bremmer just said we need more troops, didn't he? Where are we gonna get 'em if not from a draft?

Republican: Look, we're not going to reinstate the draft.

Democrat: You guys suck!

Republican: No, you do!

Democrat: I know you are but what am I? I yield back the balance of my time.

...And so on.

But then Tim Ryan, a Democrat from Ohio, got up and went off the heazzy, as the kids say. I don't think this is a particularly great speech, but it sure is a lot of fun to listen to.


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