Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Awesomeness Formula: Revisions I & II

Okay, time to make some revisions to the ol' Awesomeness formula.

The first one is pretty simple. Although I'm a big fan of replay value, I think I might've placed a bit too much value on it. So, I'm changing Qgp to be:

R(I*C) / G

That makes me feel better.

The next one is a bit trickier. It has to do with T (Time). I've been thinking about it, and the Awesomeness of a game doesn't decrease arithmetically over time. It's more like there's an ideal length for a game, and I think that length varies depending on the quality of the gameplay. That is, a game with really awesome gameplay would have a longer ideal length than a game with crappy gameplay. Makes sense, right?

Furthermore, the quality of gameplay also varies over time. That is, the governing mechanics of a game may be really fun and interesting for the first 2 hours, but after 60 hours of the same damn thing over and over, it gets boring and tedious. See Final Fantasy VIII. So here comes a new factor that has to be considered, which is what I'm gonna call the Variety factor (V). It's also given values of 1 - 10, based on the variety of gameplay throughout the game. I'm giving Oddworld a V of 3 -- pretty much sticks to the same formula of running around and shooting stuff throughout.

So, I'm not really sure this makes any kind of sense, but here's what the new Awesomeness formula looks like:

A = (Qe*Qgp) / (|T - Qgp/V|)

Oh yeah. That's wacky. It's times like this I wish I knew more about math.

So, the new score for Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath is...

A = (7 * 25) / (|6 - 25/3|) = 75 Units of Awesomeness (UAs)

Pretty big difference. I welcome comments/help from my more mathematically-inclined friends.


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