Wednesday, March 23, 2005

And now...the end is near...

Well, party time is over. I just found out that, effective March 31, I won't be able to use AIM at work anymore. They're blocking it. Now, technically, I shouldn't have been using it anyway, but come on, my job is boring and lame. I should at least be able to bitch to people about it during the day. Oh well. Guess it's back to desparately searching the web for entertaining flash games. By the way, folks, if you have any suggestions along those lines, I'd love to hear 'em. Here are the sites I already know about:

Miniclip, The Flash Games, Addicting games, and ArcadeTown.

Hook me up, o you surfers of the Internets.

On a completely unrelated note to the good folks at Blogger, I've noticed my profile has my "most recent posts" as being from October. How do I fix that? Or should it fix itself? Like some kinda crazy self-correcting plant?

Six links in one post. I am awesome.


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