Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Blowing off steam

I found out yesterday that Rhode Island is the only state in the country to officially celebrate V-J Day. How do they celebrate, you might ask? With parades aplenty and open places of business anone. Every goddam thing in this town was closed.

Other fun news: Been having trouble sleeping recently. And by "trouble", I mean I go to sleep at about 5:30 in the A.M. and wake up at 9:00. What could've brought on such a strange occurrence, I ask myself. Then I realize what it is. It's the fact that it's August 12th and I have no job. It's the fact that, even if I got the job that I wanted, I'm afraid I wouldn't want it. It's the fact that I got a call today from Warwick's school dept. asking me if I wanted to be a sub, and I was relieved. I worry that I won't be able to handle doing the teaching thing full-time. I have serious doubts. The thought of subbing and doing some other shitty part-time job seems attractive compared to the thought of feeling overwhelmingly stressed, angry, dirty, exhausted, humiliated, etc. for the next nine months. Of course, I realize that this is based on my one teaching experience so far at the worst goddam school ever conceived by man. But still ... Oh, and I have no place to live because my would-be roommate doesn't know if he'll be here next year or in California.

Well, I guess that about sums it up. I guess it's about time to call back Wawick lady and find out what she has to offer.


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