Tuesday, October 07, 2003

This is a computer. This ... is ... zzzzzzzzzz

And I'm back again. Less pissed off, but more bored. I'm at work now, you see, and we're on our lunch break. I've never needed a whole hour to eat a sandwich, so here I am. Oh, by the way, I'm in day 2 of training in how to answer questions about insurance over the phone. Exciting stuff, as you may well imagine. We're still at the "this is a computer" stage, so I'm about ready to jump out of my skin. But all will be well in a couple of weeks...we hope.

My brother once wondered why more people don't live in California -- you know, 'cuz of the weather 'n shit. Well, I have two reasons for you: Arnold Schwarzenegger and the "Racial Privacy Act". The former you already know about. In case you haven't heard of the latter, the jist is this: the government will no longer be able to classify people by race or ethnicity. Isn't it funny how people think if they just ignore something it'll go away? Like that dirt on your kitchen floor or the fact that your neighbor is Black? And it wouldn't be such a problem if it didn't effectively mean the end of affirmative action.

By the way, I heard Ann Coulter responded to Al Franken's newest book recently. Her brilliant defense: "I made some mistakes." Wow. Good call.


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