Tuesday, December 23, 2003


So this guy just called in, for whom I actually did very little (not much was required), and asked to be put on a three-way call with my boss so he could say nice things about me. It was very silly and embarassing, but also very nice. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I kind of wish his problem had been more significant so I could feel I actually deserved that kind of recognition, but hey...

FFX-2 still rocks, and is still fucking hard. Actually, it got a bit easier, since I found the equivalent of summoning in the game. Ok, bit of back story -- in FFX, summoning was accomplished by certain people (i.e., Summoners) calling on the souls of certain dead people to fight for them. In practical terms, Yuna (your party's Summoner) would call an Aeon, the other party members would withdraw, and the Aeon would do all the fighting until it was won, was killed, or dismissed. In FFX-2, the characters get special dresspheres that basically work in the same way, except they're way harder to kill. Each special dressphere is a super-big thingie with kick-ass abilities and two supporting aspects. It's like you become one of those really hard bosses in Final Fantasy games that have the little spheres that revolve around them, healing them and casting nasty status effects. It's great. It's also the ultimate trump card -- once you bring in the special dressphere, the battle's basically over. The only downside I see is that only the character who used their special dressphere gets experience. But when you encounter some random enemy who just won't die (i.e., Tonberries...little green fuckers), it's very gratifying to whip that som'bitch out.

Coming up in the game: Yuna, Rikku, and Paine get cozy in a hot tub...No, I'm not kidding. Apparently, 15-year-old-boys are also part of the target demo.


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