Monday, January 12, 2004

The old days

Had a crazy dream last night about Eric, a guy who was my friend in high school. I dreamed we were both in the Vietnam War together (in a uberdramatic, "Platoon"/"Full Metal Jacket" kind of way). I don't really remember the details at this point, but it involved being in what I think is technically referred to as "the shit". That is, bullets whizzing past, explosions all around, stuff like that. What I think this dream represents is the kinship I feel with Eric. I kinda had this love-hate thing with him throughout high school. He was super smart, played the violin and piano like a prodigy, and and and all the smart kids liked him. Which, of course, made me insanely jealous. But I'm over it now. Now, I just really want to talk to him again and see what he's like after all these years. I even google'd his name, thinking maybe he might have a blog somewhere, but no luck.

So, Eric, if you're out there, I hope you're doing ok, my man. Say hi to your brother for me.

More thoughts on video games: I replayed the first Legacy of Kain game over the weekend (Blood Omen), and it actually shed some light on some stuff that happened in Defiance. But the overall plot of this series remains extremely confusing to me, mainly because there's a whole bunch of time travel that makes no sense at all. If you don't believe me, check out this. (By the way, don't read this if you plan on playing Defiance, it spoils the plot) It's a timeline of the history of Nosgoth, the fictional world in which the series takes place. I especially love the parts where the author of this timeline says things like, "At some point, x must have happened." Even when you try to make sense of the whole deal, it still requires cheating. What I think would be more useful is a "subjective timeline". That is, a timeline that follows the events of Kain's life as he perceives them. Maybe I'll write one. It'd give me something to do now that I've beat Defiance...twice. And thinking about a third time.