Monday, April 26, 2004


Right, so first, lemme just say thanks to the 'rents for a marvy time this weekend. We went down to Newport, saw the pretty scenery and the crazy-fabulous Vanderbilt mansion. Then we had dinner with mah lady's 'rents, which was also interesting. And tasty. We got to draw on the tables with crayons, as well, which made the evening complete. Oh, and I got to check out mother's new Palm Pilot, which is very nifty. You can take pictures with it, even. And we did -- and you'd get to see them, too, if I had a place to host them. Trust me, they're great.

But now I'm back at work. And things just got interesting. Last week, the Boss gave me this little binder of stuff that was supposed to help me learn the other half of the product we deal with. Unfortunately, it doesn't have what you would call "information" in it. In fact, it's mainly what you would call "worksheets with no answer keys" and "crossword puzzles". Which means I have to "make shit up". So that's interesting. But I'm managing to learn a thing or two. I don't know how in hell I'm supposed to deal with customers based on my word-search-based knowledge, but I guess I'll worry about that later.

Today, the boss also gave me a big fat 300+ page book. This is the NASD Series 6 training book. Go Google that to find out what that means. And then tell me, 'cuz I don't know. I'm too busy freaking out at the fact that I was just given a 300+ page book and have no idea what the hell any of it means. But I think it'll help me in the future or something. Gak.


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