Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Did he need 1.2 gigawatts of electricity?

The end is nigh. At least, if you believe John Titor. He's a dude who claims to be from the year 2036. He travelled back in time to 2000 and decided to spread a message of warning the way any citizen of a technologically-advanced society would: Internet message boards. Apparently, a massive civil war is due to start this year or in 2005 and continue through 2015, when World War III starts. When I read his postings, my first though was that they were pretty decent science-fiction. Then I realized that his answer to every question was either "I'm not answering that" or "Beware Mad Cow Disease!". In any case, it might be good for a laugh or two. Espeically the part about how the new capital of the United States in 2036 is Omaha, Nebraska.

In other news, I'd like to welcome my buddy and coworker Jay to the blogosphere! Be sure to stay tuned for his musings on a wide variety of subjects.

I had another weird dream last night that involved being shot in the back of my head and being comatose for 3 months, thereby missing the first month or so of my senior year of high school. The weirdest part is that when I woke up, I was actually surprised to find out it was all a dream. Usually, I know when I'm dreaming, but I just sit back and enjoy the ride. This time, I got really sucked in. Very strange.


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