Monday, May 17, 2004

What's the Greek word for obesity?

So I saw a couple of films this weekend. But Ktpetals already said all I have to say about them. But I'll talk about 'em anyway.

First, "Supersize me". It's kind of like a movie version of "Fast Food Nation", but it gets a little Michael Moore-y at the end. The last five or so minutes of the film are basically just Spurlock going on a tirade about how McDonald's will kill us or we'll kill McDonald's. Admittely, it was kind of sketchy that the McLawyers argued that there was no direct link between eating McFood and poor health. But, I mean, what did you expect? You want them to say, "Yeah, our food sucks, sorry?" It's not like they're putting crack in their hamburgers -- you can stop eating McDonald's any time you want. As I would've done in Spurlock's case, when I found out my liver was failing.

Also, I find it a bit hard to believe that the dude would get that sick from eating McDonald's 3 times a day for a month. But then again, maybe it's not all that hard to believe. In any case, I'm certainly not going to verify it for myself. Maybe I'd do better since I'm already kinda out of shape to begin with.

And then there was Troy. *shrugs* What can ya do? It had some kick-ass fightin'. Too bad the dialogue sucked ass. And the acting. And, well, everything that didn't involve fighting.

The one thing I will say in its defense is this: who gives a shit if it's not the Iliad? Really. Although, having read the Oresteia, I was a bit confused to see Agamemnon not survive. But I appreciated the nod to the Aeniad towards the end. Maybe Wolfgang was leaving room for a sequel? Except it'd be called "Rome" and Dido would be played by Beyonce Knowles. Or perhaps Dido? (Eh? eh? Get it? And then she could sing "Thank you" when she commits suicide. It'd be great.)

Lesson for the day: NEVER put something in quotation marks in your post title. It screws everything up. Comments will work now.


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