Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Zangief was a Communist Nazi

I'm going to make it one of my New Year's resolutions to not post links to things I find on BoingBoing. Until 2005, however, I've got this, which is part 2 of Electronic Gaming Monthly's "Child's Play" series. The idea is you get a bunch of pre-teens -- the "Playstation generation" -- into a room with old school games like Galaga and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, and encourage them to make scathing commentary about the quality of gameplay, controls, and graphics.

Bobby: A duck ate me.

EGM: A what ate you?

Parker: A pink duck.
EGM: What if we told you the ducks were supposed to be dragons?

Everyone: [Laughs]

It's like shooting pink dragons in a barrel.


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