Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Why I'm not teaching now

I've thought a lot about the answer to that question. My standard answer is because there's too much bullshit to put up with to be effective. The reason I originally wanted to teach was to change the world, to help people. Turns out the traditional system behind teaching isn't really structured to let you do that kind of stuff.

But the real reason is this: I like big ideas. I loved the discussions I used to have with my professors and fellow student teachers about the nature of teaching, the nature of curriculum, the nature of discipline. I could write for hours about those things. But the little things eluded me. For example, how do I get this asshole to stop throwing paper across the room and listen to me? How do I get these two kids to stop yelling stuff at each other? Why is this little shit jumping on his desk? But also other things like how to build rapport. But mostly the discipline things.

That is all.


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