Friday, December 03, 2004

The second stupidest question I've ever been asked

Background info: People can use our website to view their 401k, transfer money around, etc. etc. Unfortunately, there are many many stupid people who don't know how to work their computers. So I get calls like this:

Stupid Lady: "I was logging into your website, and this box came up asking me if it wanted to remember my password. I clicked yes, but I don't want it to do that. How can I get rid of that?"

Me: "Well, you understand that that's a feature of Internet Explorer, not our website?"

Stupid Lady: "...Oh. But I don't want it to remember my password."

Me: "Well, that's fine, and I can tell you how to get rid of all the stored passwords internet explorer remembers for you, but if you're relying on that feature for any other website, it'll delete the stored passwords for those sites, too."

Stupid Lady: "...Oh. Well, what if I use a different computer?"

Me: "If your password isn't stored on that computer, it won't auto-complete it for you."

Stupid Lady: "But will it get rid of the stored password on this computer?"

Kind of funny, in a tech-support-geek-nightmare sort of way.

Now playing: Halo 2. Pretty good, for a first-person-shooter. However, it does have one glaring fault -- no in-game map, and no compass to point you in the right direction. I get lost a lot.


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