Thursday, April 07, 2005

On the nose

I've watched a couple of episodes of the new (in America, anyways) comedy series, The Office. The first one didn't do much for me, but the successive episodes have been a bit better. Although, sometimes I find myself wincing more than laughing. The humor's a bit too true to be funny.

For example, in the first episode, when there was talk about the branch being downsized, the secretary lady (sorry, don't know the characters' names yet) said something like, "You know, if I lost this job, it wouldn't be so bad. I've always had these other things I've wanted to do..." Now, admittedly, this probably wasn't intended to be funny, but this was one of those points where I winced. I've thought
that to myself at least 10 times a day.

Another (more humorous) example. In the most recent episode, when Jim (I think that's his name...the guy who puts stuff in jello and who has a crush on the secretary lady) was talking about why he didn't want to be given additional responsibilities, he said: "See, right now, this is just a job. If I move any higher in the company, this will be my career. And if this were my career ... I'd have to throw myself in front of a train." Wincing galore.

So, I just realized my blog has been around for almost 2 years. Shouldn't I be an internet celebrity now? What's that you say? You have to be interesting? Well, shit. That wasn't part of the deal.


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