Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Keep your head in the game

Before last night, the last date I went on was about 4 years ago. Lemme tell ya, it's not at all like riding a bicycle. We saw Kingdom of Heaven. I kind of wasn't paying attention during the majority of the flick, so I'm not really sure if it was good or not. No, not because we were making out. But because I was sitting there, thinking, "Okay, this girl is really cool, so I've got to think of something cool to do on the next date..." Unfortunately, the last time I lived in St. Louis, I was a big ol' dork and never did anything, so I'm not sure what the cool kids do around here. I'm thinking Shakespeare in the Park? City Museum?


Plus, there's all the rules that I don't know about. How long should I wait to call? Being a guy sucks.

On an unrelated note, I was digging through a bunch of old crap in my old room and I found a paper from my sophomore year of college I wrote about The Canterbury Tales. It kicked ass. I am the man.


At 9:19 PM, Blogger goldman said...

Okay. I only date during democratic administrations, so I don't have any good advice based on personal experience.

But! I know a lot of daters. A quick poll of both some ladies and dudes I know reveals the following:

1) A day-time follow up date is a fine idea. Your thought about Shakespeare in the Park was well received by my panel.

2) The advice on the follow-up call was "sooner rather than later." If the last date was on Saturday, calling no later than Monday to work out the next date seemed reasonable.

Hope that helps.

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

My thanks to you and your panel for your advice. The date was on Monday, I didn't call today ('cuz I thought that's what you're supposed to do), but I am going to call tomorrow. That's a 48-hour grace period. Hope that's acceptable.

Shakespeare in the Park is this weekend.

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


ahem. shakespeare sounds rad, but eventually (3rd or 4th) you're going to have to do a date that consists of a much higher talking to watching ratio...be on the look out for cool pubs/cafes/coffee shops you can act like you frequent. :)

At 10:34 PM, Blogger Dgcopter said...


I should've just gone straight to you in the first place. You, sir, are a gentleman's gentleman.


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