Thursday, April 28, 2005

I'm getting verklempt

This conversation actually happened yesterday. The important thing to remember about the lady in this is that she's not joking -- she's just wicked stupid. Oh, and Mom: this lady is different from the one I'm trying to teach Yiddish to.

Lady: So, do you have a girlfriend waiting for you in St. Louis?

Me: Nope.

Lady: Why not?

Me: Heh, well, you know...

Lady: I've heard Jewish men make good husbands.

Me: Um...wha?

Lady: That's what I heard. Jewish men make good husbands.

Me: I'll have to tell girls that the next time I'm trying to pick them up.

On a completely unrelated note, I was watching Jeopardy yesterday, and I was very proud of myself for knowing the answer (question?) to this question (answer?). It was in the "Nym Dropping" category (all the questions were about words that had -nym in them...antonym, synonym, etc.). Here it is: "Guillotine and sandwich are examples of these." Do you know? *cue the Final Jeopardy music* Here's a hint.

How awesome is Jade Empire? It made me re-evaluate KoToR. I now like it. Maybe because I figured out how to use the level-up glitch.


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