Friday, May 20, 2005

Movin' on up

I found out yesterday I got a job at ... the same company I've been working at. But in St. Louis! Not entirely sure what it entails yet. Or how much it pays.

Okay, actually, the nice lady on the phone (my soon-to-be boss) told me how much it pays, but I don't believe her. I'm waiting to see it in writing. Suffice it to say, if it's as much as she said it is, drinks are on me.

I also found out yesterday that I won't be able to move into my snazzy new apartment for a little while longer. Turns out my landlord has "emergencies" at some of his other properties that require his immediate attention. So he can't spare one dude for half an hour to put in my kitchen sink. Well... at least I get free food (and rent) in the meantime...

In a moment of weakness, I signed up to for a free trial. I then cancelled my subscription because it's lame. So I'm going to start my own dating service using my blog.

Attention all ladies: I am awesome. Date me. That is all.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

Well, I'm glad you think so. Now I just need to convince all the ladies. D'you think telling them I'm an account executive will help?


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