Monday, August 22, 2005

In the beginning...

Tonight was my first rehearsal with the Chamber Chorus.

Holy. Shit.

So, um, glad I'm just an understudy. Because the music is completely overwhelming. And everybody else kicks my ass. Vocally speaking. Let me ask you other members of the chorus something -- how do you all pick up a piece of music you've never seen before and sing it like you've been practicing it for years? Does everybody have perfect pitch except for me? Wtf, mate?

The theme of the first concert is "In The Beginning". 'Cuz it's the 50th anniversary of the chorus, and we're* singing stuff that they sang in year one. And we're also singing this monstrous song by Aaron Copland called ... "In The Beginning". It's Genesis I:1 - II:7 (you know, all the "In the beginning, god created the heaven and the earth" stuff) set to crazy music. It's fucking awesome. Pretty much the best version of anything from the Bible set to music evar. Find a recording of it and you'll see what I mean. But prepare to have your proverbial socks blown off.

*Note: By "we", I really mean "they", seeing as how I'm an understudy 'n all. But I like to pretend I'm really part of the chorus. I'm like a classical music groupie. Which is like any other kind of groupie except without the sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. So, um, not really like a groupie.

Attention internets -- find me a vocal teacher who doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Thank you.


At 8:10 AM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

you come 'round here talkin' 'bout some scary business.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

Copland'll hit you in the ribs, make your lip bleed.


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