Monday, August 01, 2005

Mozart -- NSFW?

Inspired by the link Mikey posted in a recent comment to Tourettes Guy, I decided to look up what Tourette's Syndrome was really like. Wikipedia's entry on the subject cleared up a lot of stuff for me. For example, coprolalia, the urge to yell out socially-unacceptable words and epithets, is actually a much less common symptom of TS than other things, like motor tics or coughing.

Wiki also had a link to this article in which a composer argues that Mozart suffered from TS. Evidence? Among other things, that he was obsessed with writing naughty words. For example, he wrote an allegedly beautiful song entitled "Lick Out My Arsehole". Yeah, I'm not kidding. Quoth the composer:

"When you write a song, as Mozart did, called Lick Out My Arsehole, that in itself is not so shocking judged by the standards of his day. But what is very odd and Touretty about it is that he set it to the most gorgeous, sublime tune. It's Tourettishly inappropriate."

Tourettishly inappropriate indeed. I challenge you, surfers of the Internets, to find me an mp3 of this song. I mean, somebody, somewhere must've performed and recorded it. How could they not?

Mozart -- the original Johnny Rotten.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger goldman said...

There's some speculation as to the authenticity of those claims according to this.

At 7:20 PM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

To his mother, Mozart writes, in verse, "Yesterday, though, we heard the king of farts/ It smelled as sweet as honey tarts/ While it wasn't in the strongest of voice/ It still came on as a powerful noise."

believe it or not, i wrote the same letter to my own mother not even a week ago.


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