Saturday, July 16, 2005

...And I'm done

Just finished the book. Note to J.K. Rowling: you, lady, are nuts. There are gonna be a lot of 8-year-olds crying for their mommies in the next few days. And asking them what "snogging" means. Not necessarily in that order. All I'm saying is, you thought the Jerry Falwell crowd was pissed about the magic stuff? Well, now they've got a lot more to be pissed about. I don't want to say too much for fear of ruining the plot (although it's kinda already been ruined thanks to the internets), but goddam. Goddam.

So, uh, yeah. It's fuggin' ridiculous. Now begins the long wait for the grand finale. Which, if the pattern holds, should be coming out around the same time as movie #5. Maybe by the time I'm 27, I'll have lost interest. Eh...nah.


At 9:54 PM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

start to finish, what was your read time? seems to me pretty F-ing fast.

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

Hey, I'm an English major, m'friend. We may be unemployable, but don't fuck with us when it comes to reading shit. (by the way, you can say fuck here. my mom doesn't mind)

I got it on Saturday at about Midnite, started reading it in the store as I waited to pay, read 'til about 2:30 that morning, woke up, read some more, went to the gym, read some more, ate dinner, and finished the mofo. Let's say 8-9 hours.


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