Friday, August 26, 2005

Oy gevault

Last night was my first rehearsal with the CRC choir. For the benefit of the goyim, CRC = Central Reform Congregation, a groovy little synagogue. It was like being back in Encore. (Yes, I know we spelled it "Enchor", but that's actually just stupid). Wide range of vocal ability and experience and the music wasn't too hard. Unlike Encore (post-Jaime Alberts, I mean), there were people in charge who actually knew what they were doing. And, also unlike Encore, a whole lotta people showed up. And we sang a bunch of Jewish stuff. But besides all that, just like Encore. What I mean to say is, it was a lot of fun, and a nice change of pace from the harrowing experience of the SLCC. Plus, I'll actually get to perform with the CRC choir, so that's always nice.

Speaking of college groups that I sang in, I happened to check in on the Madrigals, and I noticed that, like, 3/4 of the group just graduated, if that list of members on the website is accurate. So now, they've got 1 soprano, 1 alto, 2 tenors, and 2 basses. Yikes. I hope that list didn't include spring semester auditions. Or a bunch of the new alums stay in Rhode Island and keep singing with the group. Then again, I guess that would just be kind of weird.


At 11:01 AM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

i think the list is wrong. i saw them at commencement (they were good, btw) and they seemed to still have a bunch of kids not graduating.

also, i recently got drunk w/ mark, who is heading back for one more year and i'm sure he'll hold down the fort.

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

Ah, good news. I can sleep at night, now, knowing the Mads will persevere.


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