Friday, November 28, 2003


So I had to drag my ass outta bed today and come to work. The day after Thanksgiving. On the bright side, traffic was very smooth. On the not-so-bright-side, I have some doubts as to whether we'll be getting a whole lotta calls today. Y'see, the beginning of our voice menu says, "Our offices are closed in observance of the holiday". Whoops. This didn't stop my supervisor and coworker from prank calling me, however. They actually went through the phone tree, and then when I picked up the phone, they went "GOBBLE GOBBLE!" and hung up. I only knew it was them because I heard them laughing. Oh, those wacky office folk.

I managed to make the much-dreamed-of (by me) sweet potato casserole. It was the most delicious thing I've ever made. I think I'll make one a week. I would have eaten all of it by myself, but I want my roommate to taste it so he'll acknowledge my culinary genius. Plus, with all the leftover ingredients I have, I think I can make brownies. Well, actually, I guess I'd need something chocolate for that. But I could probably swing pancakes.


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