Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The mystery continues...

I, too, saw Shieh37 online last night. I almost IM'd him. I had the box open and everything. But I couldn't think of what to say. I was going for something kind of smart-assey, yet sincere. Something along the lines of, "I'll give you $100 if you remember who I am." Then he logged off. That sneaky, sneaky bastard. I'll get you, Shieh37! If it's the last thing I doooooooo!

Oh, and bro? What "upload" feature are you talkin' bout? There ain't no upload here, my friend.

What I've been doing today: playing a whole lotta video games. I don't know why I haven't been fired yet. Or at least reprimanded. But hey, when I only get 9 calls in a day, video games keep me from losing my mind. Completely. Although I did have a pretty funny call -- this really friendly guy called in and as soon as I picked up said, "Hey, how ya doing?" So naturally, I replied, "I'm fine, how are you?" And he said, "Oh, any day above ground is good for me." Wacky old people.

I'm slowly working my way through the Series 6 book. It's kind of obnoxious. It's written exactly like a high school text book, down to the boldface vocabulary words and review questions at the end of each chapter. But what's really obnoxious is the fact that it seems to be written with the sole purpose of passing the Series 6 exam. Which I guess is good, but it makes me feel dirty. Teaching to the test = bad, goddammit. They could at least pretend that some of this stuff has intrinsic value beyond passing a test. And I think it does, actually -- I didn't know what a stock or a bond was until I started reading this book, for whatever that's worth.

Movin' on up.


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