Monday, April 11, 2005

Tricksy Brain

Did you ever have a song pop into your head and have no idea what the hell it was? Isn't that annoying? I've had this song in my head all day, and I have no clue what it was or where I heard it. If it had lyrics, I'd google it, but it's instrumental. Goddammit. If one of you people who has access to my brain could please tell me what this song is, I'd appreciate it.

First impression of "The Legend of Good Women": shut the fuck up about daisies already. Although, I am glad to now know from whence the word "daisy" is derived ("day's eye"). See, this is why I want to study linguistics. Y'see how modern english makes sense if you know where it comes from?

Seriously though, it's off to an interesting start. I can see how, Ms. Mynx, you'd find this especially interesting, what with the whole discussion of how we have to rely on books for truth because we can't see everything.


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