Monday, July 11, 2005

This is your gom jabbar

Either the pain in my arms and legs is causing me to hallucinate, or I'm actually starting to feel better. At least I haven't had fits of nausea and light-headedness, so that's an improvement.

Harry friggin' Potter VI comes out this weekend. I'm so excited I could wet myself. Plus the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is out this week, too. Best. Week. Evar. The only way it could possibly be any better is if it was revealed that Firefly was coming back.

Or, you know, if I had a girlfriend. Whichever.

Oh, and since nobody but my brother is going to get what the title of this post means, here's a link to the Wikipedia definition. I was using it to refer to my exercising foibles. And the fact that I'm a huge geek.


At 7:11 PM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

LOL. Yeah, that's ridiculous.

By the way, I think you just wrote a sketch for Saturday Night Live. I nominate Will Ferrel for the role of Jack Bauer.


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