Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I Heart David Bowie's Moving Castle

I saw 1 & 9/10ths good movies recently.

The one whole good movie was I Heart Huckabees. You'd think a movie that describes itself as being "existential" would involve more people sitting around coffee shops having conversations about the universe. You know, kinda like Waking Life. Instead, it was very fast-paced and silly. And Jason Schwartzman was friggin' awesome in it. Mikey, you should see it just for the Schwartzman. It'll make you look at Cool Ethan in a whole new light.

The 9/10ths of a good movie was Howl's Moving Castle. Acutally, to be fair, it's probably more like 99/100ths of a good movie -- only the last 2 minutes are a complete fucking trainwreck. I don't want to ruin the ending for you, but it kinda ruins itself. Suffice it to say, it's like the mega-happy ending of Wayne's World. Only without the self-referential humor. Maybe if you know that going in, you won't feel as ripped off as I did. It makes me wonder if Disney somehow fucked with the ending prior to the American release. Somebody who speaks Japanese (or can get a copy of the Japanese version with subtitles): go watch the original and tell me if the ending still sucks ass.

Although, my movie-watching experience was somewhat improved by Ms. Mynx cracking up at the small children running up and down the aisle. Sake!

Oh, and I think Howl totally looks like David Bowie in The Labyrinth.


At 7:30 AM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

yeah man i saw that movie the week it was released in new york. loved it. and as good as jason schwarzman was in it (i had a nickname for you. wanna know what it was? well i'm not going to tell you. alright it was laser!), i gotta say it was mark wahlberg who stole the show. or at least, his boots.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

Yeah, Mark Wahlberg was pretty awesome in that. Down with petroleum!


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