Friday, May 27, 2005


I just got back from lunch with L'il Shieh. You hear that, subconscious? I have submitted to your will. Now stop giving me weird-ass dreams.

It kinda went like I thought it would. Although he didn't accuse me of selling out. He was quite polite about the fact that he's all changing the world and shit and I'm, y'know, working for an insurance company. He's a big-time music teacher. I administer 401(k) plans. Ladies, I'm still available.

But it did help me to solidify my academic ambitions. I think, instead of studying straight linguistics, I'm going to study old English lit and the origins of English. Who knows, maybe I'll be a professor or some shit. Although the thought of doing that kind of makes me cringe. A lot of silly academia politics to tolerate. On the plus side, the chicks would dig it. So it's still an option.


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