Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Where do bad folks go when they die?

I received my brother's b-day present yesterday: a copy of Stiff by The Man, Tony Pierce. I burned through that shit like it was Harry Potter. Y'see, besides video game music, my other fetish is depictions of the Afterlife. So this book hit all my sweet spots. The basic "plot", if you can call it that (the structure doesn't really lend itself to labels like "plot" or "denouement" or "ending"), is our hero, Tony P, dies untimely and goes on a little spiritual journey led by Kurt Cobain. Think Divine Comedy, but written by a guy who's really into sex and rock 'n roll. And also way funnier. It's awesome. If your name is Mikey, you should definitely check it out, because there's lots of stuff about music thrown in there. Plus, it's awesome. Oh, and there's a collection of poems at the end of the deal that are also really cool. Did I mention it's awesome?

Thanks, bro. Good bookage.


At 5:18 PM, Blogger goldman said...

Nice! Glad you dug on it.

FWIW - that other book I gave you has some afterlife action in it.

At 4:46 PM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

i'm majorly intrigued. i was planning on going on a book-buying spree soon...i'll add it to the list.


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