Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ya damne righte

And now, because I'm an English geek (and you should be, too):

The theme song to Shaft if Chaucer had written it. I actually printed this out and posted it on my cube at work. I showed it to one of my coworkers who, of course, didn't get it. So I read it aloud (I knew that education would be useful someday). It's a lot more enjoyable that way. I recommend everybody give it a try.

There's something I've been wanting to post about, but it'd be a major violation of Tony P's Rule #5, so I'll hold off for now. Suffice it to say, I've been inspired to read Robert Jordan books.

I am one mysterious mofo.

OMG, the new Harry Potter flick comes out in only a few weeks! I knew I still had a reason to live.


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