Thursday, April 29, 2004

I know what the Bride's name is, bitches...

...Because I paused the film and read it off of her plane ticket to Okinawa.

Yeah, I just watched Kill Bill, Vol. 1. I really really liked it. A lot. And I haven't seen any of the kabillion kung fu movies it references, either. Is it super-violent? Yes. But having seen The Passion, the violence in this flick seems more comic-book/anime-esque than realistic, so it didn't really bother me that much. I mean, when somebody gets his arm cut off and a gallon of fake blood shoots out of his stump like a fire hose, you're more amused than disgusted. At least I was.

And when you get past the violence, it's a pretty fuckin' awesome movie. Super-stylized only the way Quentin can. He manages to direct his way through about 5 different genres, including spaghetti western, anime, Yakuza mob flick, and samurai. Not to mention your straight-up, good ole-fashioned revenge tragedy (I'm guessing, not having seen part 2). It's just a fun movie to watch. Unless you have a weak stomach.

One thing I thought was stupid: why can't we hear her name? It's not like it's a Word of Power or some shit. And the intrusive "bleeping" over characters saying it was just stupid. Why not just have them not say it at all?

So overall, it's a really good film. Although I am glad I didn't see it right after seeing The Passion. That would've been a bit much.


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