Friday, May 07, 2004

The way Blind Date should be...

Thanks to Boingboing, I've discovered Harmon Leon. He inflitrates various organizations, ranging from Jack-in-the-Box to The Church of Scientology, does stupid (but funny) shit, then writes about his experiences. This is his account of his appearance on Blind Date. He pretended to be an Armenian landlord and generally made an ass of himself. It's funny shit. Here's where he meets his date:

“LET’S DATE!” I exclaim, following with “DO YOU LIKE PIE?”


“What kind of pie do you like?”


Letting this sink in, I speak directly to the camera. “The date is already going really, really well,” much to the annoyance of the field director, who once again explains the filming rules. "

There's another story where he tells about how he tried to get fired from Jack-in-the-Box after only working there for 3 hours (he didn't succeed, unfortunately). Also very funny.

I'm on a Stephen King kick -- now reading "Hearts in Atlantis". You might remember it for being a shitty movie starring Anthony Hopkins. The books seems a tad better. And, as always, it features a kid with super-powers (in this case, mind-reading). It's the kind of book Stephen King writes when he's in a good (but still spooky) mood. Like that bit from the Twilight Zone movie where all the old people turn into kids and then back again. Case in point, it features this line (about the main character's first kiss): "It's the kiss by which all others in your life will be judged and found wanting." Awwwwww.

Ok, back to work.


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