Monday, April 18, 2005

Enterprise: Worse than Star Trek IV?

There's another TV show I watch regularly, but I don't count it in my weekly allotment of TV time because it sucks. That show is Enterprise, the final Star Trek series. It's entering the last few episodes, and I had been hoping that it would at least try to redeem itself on its deathbed. So much for that.

As I was waiting in Midas this weekend for a pre-cross-country-trip checkup (they found $450 worth of shit to "fix", which I immediately sensed was bullshit and walked out), I read a TV guide article about the grand finale of the Star Trek franchise. Apparently, the Enterprise cast are less than pleased with how the final episode goes. Jolene Blalock (a.k.a. T'pol a.k.a. The Hot Chick) apparently gets the cringe-worthy line, "I never thought I'd find something more important than following orders." Jesus. The final episode somehow involves a flash-forward to ST:TNG time, and Riker & Troi are on a holodeck simulation of Archer's Enterprise and blah blah blah it's gonna suck.

I had always been secretly rooting for this show, hoping it would somehow pull itself out of the pit of awfulness they had written themselves into. Even with the god-awful theme song, the retarded dialogue, the lame plots, and the goofy nods to future Treks, I kept waiting for some glimmer of hope. But no, they're going out like a bunch of bitches.

I'm telling ya, they should've just brought back DS9.


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