Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Life imitating art

Remember how I said that The Office always struck me as being a bit too on-the-nose to be funny? Well, I just got an email from the main bosslady of the building that seems like something lifted straight from that show. If every unit does well this month ("doing well" defined as this one stat being good which I won't explain because it's boring), our names will be put into a drawing, and the winner gets...

...To throw a pie in the bosslady's face.

Um, why? How is this motivating? The only way it could possibly be motivating is if she were an evil bitch to begin with, but she's not, and even if she were, she probably wouldn't be doing this. It reminds me of the episode where the Steve Carrell character is sitting in his office trying to think of ways to improve morale, so he tells everyone he's going to give them a big surprise, but all he can come up with is ice cream sandwiches.

Here's an idea: if you want to motivate us, give us more money!


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