Monday, November 14, 2005

Kids freak me out

I went to see the Chamber Chorus' second concert yesterday. It was predictably amazing. This children's choir sang with them, and let me tell you something -- those kids can sing. They put my elementary school's Special Singers to shame.

The last song on the program was kinda weird. The text was an acrostic poem about Alice in Wonderland. By the way, for those of you who don't know, an acrostic poem is that kind of poem where the first letter of each line spells out something (in this case, Alice's full name, Alice Pleasance Liddell...yeah, I didn't know that either). So the weird part was that as the Chamber Chorus was singing, the children's choir would do this freaky stage whisper of the first letter of each line. At first, you're thinking, "what the fuck was that?" Then you start getting into it, and it's like, "hey, this is pretty cool". But by the end of the song, you're thinking, "holy shit, the kids are possessed by Satan and are going to eat me!"

Er...maybe that's just me.

I also saw a stage version of "Reefer Madness" this weekend, courtesy of the Magic Smoking Monkey Theatre. It certainly made me think twice about smoking pot. Or sitting in the front row at one of the performances, as there was a copious amount of stage drool being flung about. I understand there's also a musical version of this deal -- I'm sure it's at least on par with anything Andrew Lloyd Webber ever wrote.


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