Monday, January 30, 2006


My job sucks right now. Well, it's always kind of sucked, but now it sucks more than usual. Y'see, about 50,000 people in one of my plans are screwed. And it's kind of sort of (not really) my fault. So I'm busting my ass to fix them, which is actually harder than it sounds. And I'm pissed off by the fact that I'm stressed about this, 'cuz I really don't care that much.

I saw Brokeback Mountain recently. While it was definitely a pretty good flick, I don't see what all the brouhaha is about. I guess it's just that old thing with Hollywood -- straight actors playing gay is instant Oscar fodder. And, you know, kudos to Ang Lee for directing a good flick. He was due, what with Hulk sucking the ass that it did.

Here's my confession: I'm considering paying real money to buy World of Warcraft in-game money. Why? Because I'm level 37, and there's no way in hell I'll have 90 gold to buy my mount in three levels. And I hate grinding with a passion. And I'm tired of walking. For only $25, I could avoid all that unpleasantness entirely.

By the way, Dan Yuen sucks*.

That is all.

*He actually wanted me to write that. I don't know why. I guess it's some Chinese New Year tradition.


At 1:00 PM, Blogger goldman said...

I would wait until you actually hit level 40. And in the meantime you should just be hitting the level-appropriate instances as much as possible. I think that's like Mara and ZF for you.

You'd be surprised how much you can make in a good instance run. Even the grey items that drop in there should get you some decent silver.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

Actually, according to WoW Wiki, SM and Uld are more my speed. Which is fine by me, since I actually have some quests in SM (including a couple class quests). I've just been putting it off because a) I've never been there, so I'll have to walk a lot and b) I hate finding groups. It's always a crap shoot for me. I either end up with a bunch of guys who really know what they're doing and it's smooth sailing, or a bunch of under-leveled fools who roll need on everything.


At 1:13 PM, Blogger goldman said...

Ah, yes - the old SM. It is so very, very far away.

But it's a great instance for loot. And Uld has the first great end boss battle of the game. It was a big moment for me when I first saw it.

Good groups are very hard to come by - it's true.


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