Monday, November 14, 2005

Hippies gone wild

My alma mater's gonna have some smack talked about it on The O'Reilly Factor, apparently. Check it:

Back of Book Segment
Brown U. sex party
Guest: Factor producer Jesse Watters
We'll tell you about a shocking sex party held at Brown University. Our producer was there and he has a first-hand report.

Let me tell you what this is all about. The LGBTA at Brown throws two big parties every year called "SexPowerGod" and "StarF*ck". Highlights include scandalous posters around campus (that never fail to spark ridiculous debates in the Brown Daily Herald), people dressed somewhat less-than-family-friendly, and copious amounts of dancing, booze, and loud music. In other words, basically your average college-type party, though perhaps with more scantily-clad folks than what you might expect. Now, I never actually went to one of these deals (really, mom, I didn't), but I'm reasonably certain that there aren't any orgies breaking out or even sex with donkeys a la Bachelor Party. What I guess makes this party so offensive to O'Reilly is that it's sponsored by the gays, and we can't have those degenerates poisoning the minds of our youth, can we?

Anything to add, Mikey?


At 10:44 PM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

i went to one. some things happened that weren't exactly just booze and dancing. not to me though, (un)fortunately.

but about some real news instead, o'reilly? i hear there's a big deal about some misinformation at the white house. and a war.

more importantly, how does a producer from the o'reilly factor get in the door there? did he wear a feather boa?

At 10:47 PM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

also, i forgot to mention, that this seems broader to me than just villifying the gays. seems as if bill wants to villify those who attend such liberal institutions regardless of their sexual orientation, because their political orientation is more than likely not alligned with his. but hey, that's just me.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger David said...

Hey fellow Brunonian. Fun stuff, eh? A bunch of us our discussing our favorite SPG memories at the Daily Bubble. Feel free to add your $.02 if you'd like.

P.S. O'Rielly is an asshole.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger mikey mcclenathan said...

for shame, i am contributing again. just because last night i got into a huff and fired off that thing about other news without even visiting the site to see that in fact, they discuss other news in the program.

this is still b.s.

but me just throwing around random accusations doesn't help anyone :).

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Dgcopter said...

It's complete b.s. But, you know, Fox News has to get into a huff at least once every couple of months about the depths to which our great country's educational institutions have sunk. It's part of their job.

It could've been worse...could've been another David Horowitz-gate. Remember that shit? Crazy.


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